The year is 2019. Hip-Hop is the most listened to and the highest paid genre in music, and being Black is a trend. Who would've thought? Especially after the many years of dehumanizing and demolishing the Black image. Even though this is still present today, what's changed? The role and presence of the Black woman, just to name one.
No one can deny that Black women used to be teased harshly, especially dark skinned women. If one tries to deny, does "African booty scratcher" or "charcoal" sound familiar? Alongside the melanated (this isn't a word but definitely should be) skin, Black women were teased for their curly and kinky hair, big round noses, and full lips. Though this is still current, much has changed since now all of these factors are praised... well, so to say. What was once a "ghetto" hairstyle is now called "Kardashian braids" (whatever the hell that is), what was once "too large" lips are now popping due to injections, what was once "ugly skin" is now considered beautiful.
Here's the catch though, you just have to be a non-Black woman to get the praise. Seems unfair doesn't it? Imagine the very essence of who you are being teased and taunted, then imagine that essence being stripped and placed on white women and non-Black women of color and then accepted.
The essence of a Black woman isn't just the outer appearance, but also the inner being. Black women are rumored to be angry all the time and prone to attitudes, but why is it that Black men fetish Latina women with attitudes and it's acceptable then? What's wrong with Black women? These are just a couple out of the the many questions that Black women have asked themselves. Not to mention why light skin is a fetish over dark skin, an aspect of colorism, but that's another topic for another day.
You have those who claim Black women try to be white by wearing weave and blonde hair, but when they wear their natural hair it gets made fun of, called nappy, and even deemed unprofessional by some schools and work spaces. They can't win for losing. Also, due to a lot of miseducation, many don't know that Black comes in many different forms: light, brown, dark, black hair, red hair, and yes, even blonde hair. We have a lot of Black women walking around who deep down hate the skin they're in as well as those who are taught to frown upon fellow natural Black women, because of European beauty standards that have been passed down since slavery and the low representation of Black women in the media.
"The most disrespected person in America is the black woman. The most unprotected person in America is the black woman. The most neglected person in America is the black woman." As said by the late and great Malcolm X back in the 1960s, this statement hasn't changed at all.
A Black woman's body is overly sexualized, to the point where it doesn't matter what a sister is wearing. Black women are constantly referred to as bitches and hoes, a lot of the times for being the "angry Black woman." I want to bring understanding today. I want understanding that a Black woman's anger is time-after-time minimized. A Black woman doesn't get to be depressed, or anxious, or have any type of mental illness; they're always just "angry for no reason." Just like Black men have every reason to be angry, so do Black woman. Look at the value that the world puts on the Black woman. Since America became a place of bondage, death, and humility, Black women have been one of the main victims. They have fought for freedom and sold a dream that freedom was present just to turn right back around and it be a bullshit dream. They have given so much labor and birthed so much of this nation without any scrap of recognition. They have faced horrific violence in the streets as well as from the very people that are supposed to "protect" them, not to mention the killing of them, their Black men, and their Black children.
All of the bullshit Black women face, a greater deal than most, and people (including our own) have the nerve to ask, "Why are you so angry?" and say, "Stop being the angry Black woman." Black women cry, they mourn, they struggle, they burn, they feel... just like anyone else. But, it's expected since Black women go through so much, they should be accustomed to pain and at least be thankful to live in America. Yeah... land of the free my ass.
Just a last little note to my fellow Black women, I love you all so much. Until my time on this Earth is up, I will continue to fight for us as well as our community as a whole. I hate that society has it set up to where we're constantly compared to each other... who looks better, light or dark, natural or weave? I want us to take a stand and say "FUCK THAT!" We are SO much more powerful when we stand for each other, stand with each other, and help each other. I know that a lot of music, as well as reality TV shows, and shit, even our own men try to put us against each other but we are sisters. We are the creators of this universe, and i cannot stress enough the importance of Black sisterhood. I understand all of us may not click tightly, but let's have each other's backs. Compliment one another, speak peace love and positivity onto each others name. We have enough people trying to break us down. One love my beautiful Black goddesses.
"We gave you life. We gave you birth. We gave you God. We gave you Earth." —Janelle Monae