Who said it HAD to be all about the couples???

Valentine's Day has a bittersweet reputation. There's those happily in love (or lust) that go out of their way for that special day. There's those who are in relationships, partnerships, & marriages that dread Valentine's Day or dread the obligation. Then, there's those who hate to see all the happy couples during the holiday because of the lack thereof. This blog post is dedicated to those individuals.
I want to challenge the idea of Valentine's Day for those who aren't in relationships and/or are longing for one. Many people just view this holiday as a day for couples, but I personally, view it as the day for love. Any & all love. So, if you aren't tied down, why not dedicate this day to loving, cherishing, spoiling, & caring for YOURSELF? SELF love. Of course, you should love yourself every day, but this gives you a day for yourself you can look forward to. Also, it'll lessen that dread you have for all the lovey-dovey couples. Definitely a win-win situation.
In all seriousness, I hate to see the huge number of people that hate on Valentine's Day & throw that hate & shade at the happy & loving couples. It's understandable, but I'm offering a perfect solution, a whole new perspective. If you choose to not follow through, you're just choosing to be bitter. Booooo, shame on you!!!
Anyway, I'd like to offer some self-love, self-care practices for Valentine's Day.
Treat yourself to all of your favorites! Favorite foods, favorite movies/shows, favorite activities, etc.
Do a self-care ritual! Some examples: go to the spa to get a massage & a facial, or get some bath salts & rose petals, light some candles, turn on your favorite music, & take a relaxing bath. Afterward, massage yourself with your favorite lotion & some essential/aromatherapy oil. Then, write a gratitude list of all the things you love about yourself. After all, nobody is you.
Masturbate (duh.) Oh, Valentine's Day this year falls on a Scorpio moon ... meaning your emotions & body will be at a heightened sensitivity, do what you please with that information.
If you have single friends, have a get-together & enjoy each other's company & just remind each other how much yall love & appreciate each other.
Take yourself out! Dinner, movies, whatever YOU love.
Write yourself a love letter, send yourself some flowers and/or some chocolate.
I guarantee you changing your perspective on what Valentine's Day is about will cause a shift in your life & also the relationship you have with yourself. It's okay to want a special someone to share the day with, & it may suck ass to see those enjoying it with their special someone, but until that special someone comes, dedicate that day to yourself. You deserve it. I love yall, let's stop being some hating ass bitches & use that energy for good! Mwahhhh.